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Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

About Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Intra-uterine insemination refers to the procedure in which a specially selected semen sample with motile sperms is passed through the cervix into the uterine cavity at the time of ovulation.

Who Can Benefit From IUI?

Best IUI Treatment center in Rajkot recommends IUI for:

  • Couples with unexplained infertility for less than 5 years.
  • Couples for whom medication and timed intercourse did not succeed.
  • Patients with mild to moderate decrease in sperm count or motility.
  • Females with irregular menstrual cycles.

What is the Treatment Procedure?

Step 1: Consultation

The doctor will first run several tests to diagnose the reproductive problems. Once the problems are evaluated, the doctor will give you a brief about the procedure.

Step 2: Medication

Once you agree to start the procedure, the doctor will prescribe you certain medications from 2-3 days of your menses for 5-10 days.

Step 2a: Follicular Monitoring

Your body response will be closely monitored by sonography every 3-4 days.

Step 2b: HCG Injection

When the follicle/s are of appropriate size, the final process of ovulation will be triggered with an injection of hCG and the IUI procedure will be planned after 36 hours.

Step 3: Semen Preparation

Once you are injected with the HCG, your partner will also provide his semen sample on the day of IUI. The doctor may also keep a previously reserved sample to avoid any complications.

Step 4: The Final Day

The semen sample will be processed in the laboratory and injected into your uterus. Following the injection, the doctor may also prescribe certain medications for 14 days. A serum beta-HCG test will be conducted to confirm pregnancy.

What Are the Success Rates of IUI?

IUI is considered the first line of treatment when the couple is unable to conceive normally or with medications. The success rates of IUI on average are at about 15% around the globe. Around 80% of the pregnancies occur within the first three IUI cycles. Usually, a maximum of 3 IUI cycles are advised to conceive.

What Are the Complications?

You may experience mild pain and spot on the day of an IUI. No other major complications, however, are related to the procedure.

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